Cyber Basics – NIS2

We have made the implementation and management of NIS2 simple and clear. Met het NIS2-portaal van Cyber Basics heeft u alles binnen handbereik om de aankomende NIS2 wetgeving (in Nederland de Cyberbeveiligingswet) voor uw organisatie te implementeren én managen. Wij hebben het Cyber Basics platform ontwikkeld in samenwerking met de ervaren juristen van Waveland European Lawyers.

The Cyber Basics platform contains portals to ISO27001:2022, NEN7510, DORA and GDPR, among others. The various portals work together in a smart way.

Met Cyber Basics: – Maakt u een vlotte scan van de status van uw organisatie – Bekijkt u het voor u uitgewerkte beleid en de procedures die voor u gelden – Ziet u waar u eventueel werk heeft te doen en – Toont u vervolgens aan dat uw organisatie aan de wet voldoet Even without legal knowledge.

Our team of cybersecurity and legal experts is ready to assist. Read more about Cyber Basics below and why our drive for simplicity will help you get up and running quickly.

Legal: Ready for the NIS2 directive Complying with a new guideline or law can cause a lot of headaches or extra work. Cyber Basics NIS2 package is revolutionary in this respect, because all the preliminary work has already been done. After purchase, you will receive a license, which allows you to log in to an online environment. Here, our legal team has prepared all chapters for you, with a section of your NIS2 policy in each chapter. You can supplement this yourself with your company-specific procedures, after which you save the whole thing as your own NIS2 manual. Ready to implement within your organization and to demonstrate that you comply with the NIS2.

Technisch: A clear overview of the technical NIS2 requirements Cybersecurity is an ongoing focus to work on in your organization. Use the NIS2 package to gain full visibility into your technical security and automate your cyber protection. Cyber Basics contains a technical assessment based on the NIS2 requirements and is directly related to CIS Controls, Zero Trust Foundation and advises proactively on Microsoft licenses.

A suitable package for every organisation Cyber Basics has been developed in close collaboration with legal and cybersecurity experts, Microsoft and NIS2 mandatory organizations. As a result of this collaboration, three variants have been developed, namely: Enterprise, Small Medium Enterprise and Supply Chain Partner. Enterprise en Small Medium Enterprise zijn ontwikkeld voor organisaties met een specifieke behoefte en omvang die moeten voldoen aan NIS2. Supply Chain Partner is specifiek voor de ketenpartner ontwikkeld die niet NIS2 compliant hoeft te zijn, maar hier wel rekening mee wil houden voor zijn of haar klanten.

Compare your ISMS with NIS2
NIS2 is an EU directive aimed at enhancing cybersecurity and resilience of essential services across EU member states. With the NIS2 package from Cyber Basics, you can compare the specific NIS2 requirements with your organization's ISMS. Utilize the package to enhance your resilience, strengthen your procedures, and conduct an NIS2 check on your policies and procedures.

Attain the security level required by NIS2 Under NIS2, additional requirements are imposed on the security level of your organization. To achieve the required security level, you need to first understand the security risks. Use Cyber Basics NIS2 package to map out your risks, share your knowledge with every employee, allocate tasks within your team, and track progress.

About the founders of Cyber Basics Cyber Basics is een samenwerking tussen Waveland European Lawyers en Frieser & Schuckmann. De online producten van Waveland European Lawyers stellen duizenden gebruikers in staat hun beleid, procedures en registraties snel en efficiënt toe te passen. Door de samenwerking met cybersecurity expert Frieser & Schuckmann krijgt u de naadloze koppeling tussen uw ISMS-beleid en de technische maatregelen die u moet nemen om aan de NIS2 te voldoen.

Start working on NIS2 compliance?
